Pics Well....*cursewordz* X2

A lot of servers have Teamspeak or Vent set up if you want it. I've spent many rounds on them. For those servers without it, my typed squad coms typically include things like "Tank at C" or "Need ammo at E". Quick, basic info and commands that lend themselves pretty well to what you want to communicate to your team. You do most of your talking with surveillance and bullets anyway. Violence and survival are universal languages.
it was tried before and failed miserably. can't remember the game but I'm sure a quick search would turn it up
When you get as good as I was, we'll talk. :p

OK, but that's not the point. The point is that its fuckin classic that in a rush to release a game, EA excludes something so common in games these days that it's not even thought about.

"Of course *fillintheblank* has VOIP. Why did you even ask?"