Time to check the map

Today I sent an e-mail apologize for everything to my father in law and a request that we work to build a better friendship because my both need to be parts of my wife and son's lives. He sent a positive e-mail back agreeing with me.

1 step in the right direction.

I went to my parent's today and finally told them that I'm bi-polar and of all my struggles with it and the distance it has caused between us the past 10 years. It was a break thru with them. They never knew and it explained to them my behavior on so many things that bothered them about me.

2 steps down.
Best of luck to you. I am glad that you are seeking counseling. You're already doing better then a lot of other people out there- most couples wont even give it a chance.

My road looks good and I'm optimistic. We are going into our second year of marriage and already we've had to battle out immigration, building and buying a home, living with his parents for several months (while home was being built), almost losing that home (because our lender was a jackass- ended up leaving him and getting a lower % rate) and then finding out my body rejects babies and going through fertility treatments.

We still love each other more then anything and all this has made our relationship stronger. I can't imagine my life with anyone else and feel that by going through so much in the first 1.5 years that we are ready to take on anything else that may come our way.


And if for some reason this doesn't work out- I'm going les.
Best of luck to you. I am glad that you are seeking counseling. You're already doing better then a lot of other people out there- most couples wont even give it a chance.

My road looks good and I'm optimistic. We are going into our second year of marriage and already we've had to battle out immigration, building and buying a home, living with his parents for several months (while home was being built), almost losing that home (because our lender was a jackass- ended up leaving him and getting a lower % rate) and then finding out my body rejects babies and going through fertility treatments.

We still love each other more then anything and all this has made our relationship stronger. I can't imagine my life with anyone else and feel that by going through so much in the first 1.5 years that we are ready to take on anything else that may come our way.


And if for some reason this doesn't work out- I'm going les.

Big Hugs and smooches to both of you