This may lead to a "no-fly list" style law for guns.


Flaccid Member
Oct 16, 2006

WASHINGTON - The National Rifle Association is urging the Bush administration to withdraw its support of a bill that would prohibit suspected terrorists from buying firearms. Backed by the Justice Department, the measure would give the attorney general the discretion to block gun sales, licenses or permits to terror suspects.

@ Bush

I propose the following catch-22. First we define a terrorist as someone who wants to forcibly overthrow an established government without the army/uniform of another one. Then we establish an interpretation that makes it illegal to own a gun for any other purpose than "security of a free state" = forceful revolution. Then we just outlaw selling guns to terrorists, sit back and enjoy the gun ban. Wooh! :eek:

I'm seriously considering voting democrat in '08 @_@
Ok, this is stupid. Technically the head of the BATF has also had this sort of extralegal discretion on sales of semi-auto rifles with more than 22 non-US parts since 1988, which led to those guns being essentially banned.

In practicality though, how do you think voting democrat will help this? They are anti-gun period. If anything this will just give them the power to stop all gun sales in the US period. o_O

I might remind you: