this is an ANGRY thread

Thorn Bird

Forum Mom
May 24, 2005
today's word is angry. i want to feel angry. i need to feel angry. i am feeling angry.

is anyone else angry with me today?
i rarely get angry too. but today is one of those days where i'm angry. so i just need to feel it out so it'll go away.
I rarely get angry but today I am in a stressed out and pissed off mood. I really want to yell at somebody to FUCK OFF.

I need some booze in my stomach or something. I can't even face going downstairs right now I am in such a negative mood. My frowning is actually giving me a headache.

Thanks for a thread to rant.
Yeah, I do feel like screaming but it would be a bit uncouth and everyone would think me mad.

I had a job working in a shop with my best friend years ago and when we were super pissed we used to go the staff toilet together and scream at the top of our lungs to make us feel better. From the outside of the door apparently it sounded like satan (my friend) raping a virgin (me).