GAY The up side down game.

because some people get power hungry over the smallest amount of authority

on a conference call

what's worse, having to leave for the airport at 530 in the morning or having a layover?
both are acceptable. Leave 5:30 in the morning means I'm sleeping on the plane, having a layover means I get to haul out my maple leaf lounge pass.
^you didn't ask a question.
<wondering why you people are not using the ARROWS
vDo you like the arrows in this thread?
Arrows are for homos an super heros, guess which one you are.

Sitting at work, waiting for everyone to leave, Then I can tackle a bunch of stuff without being distracted and take the day off tomorrow

Besides getting the oil changed in my bike tomorrow, what should I do?
^ Arrows make the thread understandable, they are required

< First day back at work, going through three weeks emails.

v What is your favorite flavor of pie?