Ontopic The "Should not have done that" thread V. Sexual Misdeeds

Let's look at the husband's perspective for a moment. 51 is not a great age to change companies. All he wants to do is work smoothly til retirement. They have 22 years left on their mortgage.
He makes good money. It would have been in the best interest of his family's future to go along with the transfer.
Do they have kids in school?
Now that I think about off of this maybe it's all part of a larger overall conspiracy ran by the masterbation industry. If men and women are too afraid to talk to each other let alone engage in meaningless sex who gains? It's the porn, lotions and lubes, and potentially the sock industries (depending on how weird you are).
#MeToo isn't an organized movement. It's just a bunch of random women piling on top of each other, literally screaming "Me Too!", "Me Too!"

"Me Too!" shrieked the girl who had a disappointing date.

"Me Too!" screamed the woman who was approached by a short ugly man who shouldn't have dared to insult her by presuming to be in her league.

"Me Too!" cried the Disney Princess who expected to become a celebrity's next girlfriend, after showing him nothing but her tits and blatant disloyalty.

This movement will either die, or lead to a world where you need to get her notarized consent before sex, and even then you're screwed should you fail to keep her happy for the rest of her life. There's no statute of limitation on revenge-porn ruining your career.
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#MeToo isn't an organized movement. It's just a bunch of random women piling on top of each other, literally screaming "Me Too!", "Me Too!"

"Me Too!" shrieked the girl who had a disappointing date.

"Me Too!" screamed the woman who was approached by a short ugly man who shouldn't have dared to insult her by presuming to be in her league.

"Me Too!" cried the Disney Princess who expected to become a celebrity's next girlfriend, after showing him nothing but her tits and blatant disloyalty.

This movement will either die, or lead to a world where you need to get her notarized consent before sex, and even then you're screwed should you fail to keep her happy for the rest of her life. There's no statute of limitation on revenge-porn ruining your career.
This is the second time you've posted negative, uniformed feelings about this topic.
“Rape is a crime. But insistent or clumsy flirting is not a crime, nor is gallantry a chauvinist aggression,” the letter, dated Monday, begins. “As a result of the Weinstein affair, there has been a legitimate realization of the sexual violence women experience, particularly in the workplace, where some men abuse their power. It was necessary. But now this liberation of speech has been turned on its head.”

“Accidents that can affect a woman’s body do not necessarily affect her dignity and must not, as hard as they can be, necessarily make her a perpetual victim,” they write. “Because we are not reducible to our bodies. Our inner freedom is inviolable. And this freedom that we cherish is not without risks and responsibilities.”
