The Sea Kitty Crying Game


A Taste Of Honey Fluff Boy
Mar 28, 2005
Desperate for relevance, PETA initiates an all new irrational marketing campaign, this one aimed at fish. Won't someone please think of the sea kittens?

Sea Kitten facts:

Contrary to popular belief, the technical term for sea kitten offspring is "baby sea kitties," not "caviar." Many sea kittens build nests where they can raise their baby sea kitties, and others collect small rocks off the sea floor to make widdle hiding pwaces where they can rest.

Sea kittens talk to each other through squeaks, squeals, and other low-frequency sounds that humans can only hear through special instruments. Most ichthyologists, scientists who specialize in sea kitten biology, agree that this is just about the cutest thing ever.

Some sea kittens tend well-kept gardens. They encourage the growth of tasty algae and weed out the types that they don't like. It is particularly tragic when people eat these sea kittens, as their precious little gardens become wild and overgrown in their absence.