The Fly Trap (Possibly NSFW)

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:( Why do you guys hate me so much?
We're just saying you're nuts. we love you!

F33nX I learned in college the best way to do lab work is have an idea of what the results should be and forge everything else.
I totally jew'ed it out yesterday for lunch: bagel, plain cream cheese, Lox, lettuce, and onion. And yes my breath smelled horrible for an hour after lunch. I grabbed some breath mints though which helped.

That is one of my favorite breakfasts. Mmmmm....
Can't stand it. Tastes odd and it's slimey.

I do love gefilte fish though. :drool:

Slice of that on some matza with horseradish. White horseradish, non of that panzy ass red shit.

Love horseradish but keep the rest of your jew fishes away from me :p
never heard of or seen red horseradish
Can't stand it. Tastes odd and it's slimey.

I do love gefilte fish though. :drool:

Slice of that on some matza with horseradish. White horseradish, non of that panzy ass red shit.

You haven't had fresh lox then. Eww its never slimey... thats like having WAW on a toasted bagel.
kudos on the concision and while I do get the gist of things, I think, can you break it down further for us lay people?

bascially i am looking at the effects of inflammation and plaque formation in the cardiovascular system when the innate immune system (ie, not the stuff that fights viruses with alacrity and potency) senses an imbalance in the body- this model is going to be employing either diabetes or obesity, or both down the line when it gets fleshed out. 15-LO (alox15) is a gene that is downstream of a receptor on the outside of a macrophage that senses danger in the form of an antigen (in this case anything from a chemical to a piece of fat to a hormone). It upregulates the transcription of an inflammation chemical (iL-15). I will be looking at it in two types of macrophages: the type that causes inflammation, and the type that fights it.
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