Hawt The Blatantly Misogynistic Man Thread

I carted mine around until the shit handle that Craftsman put on it broke when I grabbed it.

So, I worm-gear clamped the broken handle on there for years until I ordered the replacement parts from Sears and decided not to grab it by the handle anymore unless it was to cut wood. Now I almost exclusively use it with the stand, and my back is better for it, too.

How many times have you had to re-tighten that clamp over the years?
Has it cut into the handle?
My chainsaw had an extra handle on it that kept gumming up the works so I took it off. Works much better now.
I did that with the miter saw, once I finally got it onto a sled for a miter saw stand, too. It's right over the table saw in the corner.

I really need to get to pouring the pad for the shed, but I suspect it's too late in the year to do it, and I'll have to wait for the spring. Once the kid's Z is off my property, I'll start digging.

edit: the kid's Z isn't necessarily in the path of the shed, but it's another spot I want to fill in with concrete. There's no reason for landscaping an 8'x20' spot next to the driveway, plus I'll be able to do a little knee-wall to keep my neighbors' goatheads on their property, too.