
Mrs. Valve

Dizzy Broad
Oct 6, 2004
What do y'all do for Turkey Day? This is going to be a fairly new experience for me this year- hosting my family down here, AND having lots of friends over for dinner as well. I'm used to a very laid back, meal-intensive day with lots of football and drinking with my parents and grampa. In years past this used to happen at our house in FL, so it was done on the lanai in shorts/t-shirts.

So, what are you guys having? What traditional side dishes do you love/hate? Any special events involved, like fishing your Aunt out of the punchbowl or keeping your cousins from killing each other?
Traditionally, thanksgiving has always included copious amounts of marijuana, especially for large family oriented thanksgiving gatherings.
We normally just take turns eating with each of our families. No real traditions, just a nice dinner. This year, my mother in law is flying in on Tues and we are headed to Tuscon to eat dinner with one of Kyle's uncles (only going to be there Thursday).
My dad and grandparents are driving up Tuesday and staying until Wednesday, it's cool because it's the first time they've ever come to visit me. They leave Wed afternoon, then I go get mah hur did. Thursday we're all going to Dekalb for our big family Thanksgiving, meeting up with Dad and grandparents then. Friday I'll probably "work" and then Saturday I'm hosting an open house Thanksgiving for my brothers, their crazy mom, Ryan's family and some friends. I'm going to do the traditional turkey and dressing, green bean caserole, candied sweet potatoes, my smashed potatoes and this freakin kick butt bread pudding with cinnamon carmel sauce I saw on Food Network, I made it last year and it was a big hit:
This year I'm heading to Philly for thanksgiving.

My 91 year old grandfather was up for the trip to Florida last year, but this year not so much. He's fine, but he's 91 :p

He lives in a retirement community in Cherry Hill NJ and my aunt, uncle, and two cousins on my mom's side live about 5 minutes away, so it works out well. Plus the rest of the family on my dad's side, aunt, uncle, ans cousin, will be flying in from MA. Also joining us are my sister and brother-in-law who also live in MA.

We'll be having Thanksgiving at the Ritz in Philly too. They have a buffet :drool:
Well typically grandma has a "non-thanksgiving" day dinner on Thursday or Friday to appease the religious family that doesn't believe in that sort of thing. This year, I have no idea.
This year I'm heading to Philly for thanksgiving.

My 91 year old grandfather was up for the trip to Florida last year, but this year not so much. He's fine, but he's 91 :p

He lives in a retirement community in Cherry Hill NJ and my aunt, uncle, and two cousins on my mom's side live about 5 minutes away, so it works out well. Plus the rest of the family on my dad's side, aunt, uncle, ans cousin, will be flying in from MA. Also joining us are my sister and brother-in-law who also live in MA.

We'll be having Thanksgiving at the Ritz in Philly too. They have a buffet :drool:

we've been over this, but i would seriously SERIOUSLY miss making thanksgiving dinner. to go out for Thanksgiving seems like blasphemy to me.
Seriously Mikey, I'm sure you can pretty much take your pick of places to go for Turkey day :lol:
You do one lunch and one dinner, either that or you alternate years, or you do like I'm doing and have one family go on Thursday and one on Saturday.
that sounds all nice and logical, but try getting 2 sets of batshit insane parents to comply.

no no no I win the Crazy Family award this year. Nobody can take that away from me.

Dad's crazy ex-wife (brothers' mom) blew through about $1m in inheritance in the past 3 years, is now flat broke, getting kicked out of her boyfriend's house for stealing, called us last night to say she was arriving at Ohare at 1 this afternoon and can we please "email your brother to tell him to come pick me up"

Leading up to this, she was calling me and my brother who lives with me saying that she was in "physical danger" and that her bf was going to "put a bullet in her 3 dogs' heads" if we didn't come up with $500 to fly them back to Chicago. She called twice a day for 3 days with this story until last night, when Diane told my brother to stop calling Rick because it was "making him angry", turns out, she got caught in a lie. She was in no danger, he's taking care of the dogs, he just wants her to GTFO, she was trying to blackmail money out of us (for god knows what).

So now she's coming to town and wants to live with me, my dad (her ex) and my grandparents are coming to stay with me next week ISN'T THIS GOING TO BE A FUN HOLIDAY? She's trying to crash our family Thanksgiving in Dekalb.

I'm meeting my family Thanksgiving Early Evening at The Pirate House here for a nice Thanksgiving Buffet. Food is decent and it's a hell of a lot closer for me. Plus it means a shorter visit with the whole family.

My wife hasn't said if she wants me to go to with her to her parents for lunch. There is a good chance I won't have to because we hate it each other and it just puts more stress on everyone. If not I'll spend the afternoon playing video games and getting a good buzz on so I'm prepared to see my family. I love it when a plan comes together.