Tasteless Jokes ONLY *** V.NoGirlsAllowed

What do you call a virgin in German? "Goodentight"

What do electric train sets and womens breasts have in common?
Both were intended for the child, but its the father who ends up playing with them.

Why is life like a penis? Because when it's soft, it's hard to beat, but when it's hard, you get screwed.

Why does being a dick suck?
Because your neighbors are a couple of nuts and an ass-hole, your best friend is a cunt,sometimes people try to cut your head off,you have an extreme fear of being eaten,your always getting stuffed in a bag and being taken to strange places and you always throw up during sex.

hm... not great but still kinda funny..
There once was a man from Nantucket,
Who had a dick so long he could suck it,
He said with a grin,
As he wiped off his chin,
"If my ear were a cunt I would fuck it."
Why don't people in Sri Lanka take baths?
They wash up on shore instead.

What's the least popular detergent in Indonesia?

Aren't the beachfront cities in Thailand without power?
No, there's plenty of current running through the towns

What did the photographer say, when about to photograph a group of

Why are people in the Sri Lanka area so annoying?
They always get carried away

Why are so many sharks stricken with diarrhea?
They've been eating Thai food all week.

You know how people from that part of the world usually smell bad. We
finally got them to take a bath, but it cost us $350 Million.
fly said:
I think the penis shown here is more accurate.

I think you are mistaken. I am not sure, I haven't seen it in awhile, but I think you are wrong.