Spankings return

Except for the last two things that is essentially what is in every marriage counseling book I've ever seen.
So what is your point then?

That neither day care workers, nor stay at home moms watch soap operas all day?

Who is watching them in that case?

If no one is watching them, shouldn't day time television have better programming?

lmao. are you serious?

Alright. Here. Starring at them with googly eyes is one extreme. Being in another room watching day time soaps is an opposite extreme. I used those two extremes to describe what the day care provider I have used is not.

She doesn't stare at them with googly eyes. She doesn't stay in another room watching soaps. She just takes care of him well.
oh well. that's not much to worry about. ZRH wants to kill me and constantly remind me of my posts. My life as I know it is over.