Sound off - Hows the forum running?


Oct 1, 2004
How do you guys think the forum is running these days? Do you like the post icons? New icon idea? Ontopic thread moderation? Speed of the forum at the new datacenter? Suggestions for changes/improvement?
I don't like the lies. I received my second post deletion yesterday for off topic comments. I don't mind the deletion, I mind the lie. The accompanying pm says that it's autogenerated and I know we don't have AI that's "smart" enough to sift through human interaction to see who is remaining on topic. Just own up to it, fly. Tell us you deleted the posts and I'll grant you congress to my annals.
I don't like the lies. I received my second post deletion yesterday for off topic comments. I don't mind the deletion, I mind the lie. The accompanying pm says that it's autogenerated and I know we don't have AI that's "smart" enough to sift through human interaction to see who is remaining on topic. Just own up to it, fly. Tell us you deleted the posts and I'll grant you congress to my annals.
it's quite possible that the deletion was made by hand, but the PM is auto generated as a result of the deletion.

I think the forum is running slick as snot off a roosters lip. I do miss the marklar, but the thread icons are a great addition and the forum is always fast. I can't remember if I've been moderated in an On Topic thread or not. If I haven't had any posts deleted then I definitely had a dream that it happened, which is probably weird. If I have had posts deleted then that's fine. The On Topic icon is available for a reason.
If you douchebags would stop posting your incoherent, rambling thoughts in on-topic threads your posts wouldn't be deleted. We don't care what goes on in the vacuous poop-nuggets you call brains. :fly:
I don't like the lies. I received my second post deletion yesterday for off topic comments. I don't mind the deletion, I mind the lie. The accompanying pm says that it's autogenerated and I know we don't have AI that's "smart" enough to sift through human interaction to see who is remaining on topic. Just own up to it, fly. Tell us you deleted the posts and I'll grant you congress to my annals.

I was going to reposnd to this and then I realized my response would be off topic.

I like everything - I miss flymart. I want to change someone's sig and I can't.
What you people fail to realize apparently is that this particular thread is NOT labeled OTO.

With that in mind I'd like to say that if I were a billionaire I'd go out and buy a junker car, scrape off the VIN number, and cream someone's parked Porsche. I would then flee the scene wearing a fake beard and clogs. No one would ever suspect me.

edit: I think the forum is running very well. I don't mind having my non-OTO posts deleted because 90% of the time I deserve it.
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kosher so far but I need more space in my PM box, april sends me like eight nudes a day and I don't have time to delete them all
I was going to reposnd to this and then I realized my response would be off topic.

I like everything - I miss flymart. I want to change someone's sig and I can't.

Get back to work, Polly.

With that in mind I'd like to say that if I were a billionaire I'd go out and buy a junker car, scrape off the VIN number, and cream someone's parked Porsche. I would then flee the scene wearing a fake beard and clogs. No one would ever suspect me.

Might I participate?

I don't mind having my non-OTO posts deleted because 90% of the time I deserve it.

I have gotten a post deleted for being off topic in my own on topic thread, now that takes skill

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Hey Fly is there anyway to get the Thread Icon to come up inside the thread?

Sometimes I dont look at it and if it were in either the quick reply box or in the thread somewhere I think more people would notice it easier