Sometimes I think I'm retarded.... (cause I married FatBurger)

Bubbles said:
Oh. OK, well I'm done posting for the day. I have managed to make an ass out of myself with most comments. I'll try to find my witty hat before tomorrow. :tard:
You could always post your boobs. In fact, since you always seem to be short of cash, you can get together with your gay manfriend Sarcasmo and come up with and publish what your mama gave you for profit.
Bubbles said:
That's actually already a website, and the language is German or something. :fly:
Well, go off and make money from your huge tracks of land. Maybe you could make enough to quit your current job.
theacoustician said:
Well, go off and make money from your huge tracks of land. Maybe you could make enough to quit your current job.

I could bring in alot of money with some sort of web-cam deal, but there's that last itsy tiny shred of dignity that will keep me from it. Maybe we can sell headless pics of my assets.
Bubbles said:
I could bring in alot of money with some sort of web-cam deal, but there's that last itsy tiny shred of dignity that will keep me from it. Maybe we can sell headless pics of my assets.
As long as the pics are good, I'm sure you can sell them without showing your face. Just get a lot of masks or something.
You can't be going crazy already! :lol:

Can't say it happens all the time, but I have experienced that.
itburnswhenipee said:
Oh, I'm sure your constant hallucinations are nothing to worry about. Besides, they have pills for that now. Also, there are pills that can make your hallucinations more pronounced if that's the route you decide to take.
hummm... tell me more of these pronounced hallucinations