Something to work on

"doesn't even go to 10"


You had to leave that in a neg rep, dude? Seriously, your mannequin is lonely. Take her out for a night in the basement, to nosh on cabbage and blood soup.
Amazing that you still suffer from diarrhea of the mouth at your age.
amazing that your asshole is so tight at YOUR age.
When was the last time you ventured out of the dungeon, you monotonous wack?
:lol: Jesus. I don't even know who you -are-. All I hear is some tired past prime attention seeking. Shoo.
How o_O I know it's ambiguously worded but eh.

Scroll for answer spoiler tags are fubared:

I took it with a grain of salt and made a simple math problem out of it.

Saturday = 100
Sunday = 100
Total 200

Chance of rain = 50%
Chance of rain = 30%
Total 80

200-80 = 120 /2 = 60%

... but if you want to get all goofy about it. okay.

I answered " 'Sunny' is mentioned but not defined and it is impossible to determine if the events are independent. The question is too ambiguous to draw a conclusion with the data given.'

If you assume that 'not rainy' = 'sunny' and that both days are independent events:

(50/100) of sun on Saturday and (70/100) of sun on Sunday (30% chance rain = 70% sun)

(.50*.70) = 35% chance of sun over both days assuming independence

You should think about that hard though.

Answer is:

Assuming again that not rainy = sunny. They both occur on the same weekend so they are a union:

(.50 + .70) - 1 = .2

20% chance of it being sunny over both days of the same weekend.