so what do you.....


Flaccid Member
Nov 27, 2006
do for a living?

theres probably a thread about this somewhere, but it didnt show up in a search.

im in the medical field, at the moment i am sitting in the pshych ward here at my hospital. good times, i have recieved three proposals to be wed, as well as other things. anyways... what do the rest of you characters do?
Network Infrastructure Manager for the Savannah College of Art & Design

I'm responsible for all network cabling and equipment. That also includes voice equipment.
I run a company for my roommate/good friend. We do marketing campaign's for Energy Suppliers in Deregulated markets around the US. Currently we are working mainly in Maryland but soon we will be doing Texas again and New York like normal. Nice part is every customer we sign we SAVE them money, usually a couple hundred a month and sometimes a couple thousand.
I am currently the jack of all trades for a small contracting company. Meaning....I am the only one competent enough and self abusing enough to do everything.
IT contract work for the government.

Yes... Civil Servants are the worst. When you ask them to close outlook and then ask back, "how do i do that", you know your job is a blast.
I am a database and data warehouse architect for Savannah State University. The majority of my job would fall under that which a Business Intelligence Analyst would do in a private sector company + I program and develop software and web apps.

I also do my fair share of consulting for small to medium businesses on the side which usually entails data migrations and conversions, software development, and reporting needs.

I also pimp out pussies to people in far away lands. How's that working out for you Eileen ;) I still think you got the coolest kitty of the bunch.
I am a database and data warehouse architect for Savannah State University. The majority of my job would fall under that which a Business Intelligence Analyst would do in a private sector company + I program and develop software and web apps.

I also do my fair share of consulting for small to medium businesses on the side which usually entails data migrations and conversions, software development, and reporting needs.

I also pimp out pussies to people in far away lands. How's that working out for you Eileen ;) I still think you got the coolest kitty of the bunch.

She jumped in the oven over Thanksgiving so we ate her for dinner. She was delicious. I love eating pussy.