So, sleeman...

smileynev said:
You sick fucker, thats where you eat your cereal from, too.
k so get this

last night i had your shaving cream can up my butt sitting on your bed...

i was using your hairbrush to clean the tip of my urethra (oh man, i wonder how so much stuff gets in there) i was cleaning and i shot a load right into my belly button, and i was like not expecting i stuck your knob from the microwave onto the whole mess and it like stuck there! the mancream dried by now i think cuz i can't get it off :('ll have to use the pliars to turn the microwave on for now.
sleeman said:
k so get this

last night i had your shaving cream can up my butt sitting on your bed...

i was using your hairbrush to clean the tip of my urethra (oh man, i wonder how so much stuff gets in there) i was cleaning and i shot a load right into my belly button, and i was like not expecting i stuck your knob from the microwave onto the whole mess and it like stuck there! the mancream dried by now i think cuz i can't get it off :('ll have to use the pliars to turn the microwave on for now.
Not again...:rolleyes:
sleeman said:
last time i had used that knob as a buttplug for our poodle...which gave him a stiffie, and .....

sry, this is UF not M.
Its okay. Poodles are accepted discussion material here.
sleeman said:
have you ever shoved your hamster up the p00dle's butt?
I might consider it if I could find the little bugger. Have you seen him. And what happened to all the saran wrap?
wow that's pretty shitty of you sleeman, but I seem to remember your antics at the last million man march - bottling up all of the chilli scented shit from the porta-potties and stashing them up gaping holes of women who had just birthed - thinking it would make a good casserole if we let mold settle on to them after 3 years - man that was a weak dish at last week's battered children's cook off festival, I don't know how the fuck you scored first prize, maybe it's because you've slept with almost everyone there
theacoustician said:
Elpmis is funny today, smileynev is funny today ... wtf is going on? Someone call Satan and see if he broke out the parka.
satan doesn't put on cold weather gear until people start laughing at the shit you post