So, I asked my wife...



...what star wars character I was most like. She thought about it for a good minute or so before telling me I most reminded her of Bail Organa.

smileynev said:
...what star wars character I was most like. She thought about it for a good minute or so before telling me I most reminded her of Bail Organa.

Not Jaba?
I invision myself as a white version of Boba Fett, but this could be because all geeks dream about being Boba Fett.

Addition: When I first saw that Boba was Samoan (or other similiar race) I was like :wtf:.
zengirl said:
Yeah, I've never seen a single picture of you. ;)

I think every internet boy is Jaba.

I look like a cross between Tom Cruise and Henry Kissinger.
I'm most like Lando Carissian.

Except I'm not black...
And I don't look good in baby blue...
And I haven't backstabbed any of my friends then turned around helped them in a while...
And I never lost the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo...
And I don't know how to spell 'Carissian.'

...I'm nothing like Lando Carissian.

Edit: Oh I did almost fall into a pit of Sarlac once. Her name was Bethany. She was a big girl.
Millions said:
I'm most like Lando Carissian.

Except I'm not black...
And I don't look good in baby blue...
And I haven't backstabbed any of my friends then turned around helped them in a while...
And I never lost the Millennium Falcon to Han Solo...
And I don't know how to spell 'Carissian.'

...I'm nothing like Lando Carissian.

And it's actually Lando Calrissian.