Small UF Giveaway!

Reason: So I can give it to Mikey so he can shred his IM logs as part of his therapy.
Reason: Because I'm becoming more and more anal about my personal information and want to shread all my bills and financial information before tossing it out.
Reason: Because it would be nice to not have to take the docs from home that I want shredded into the office and put in the shred bins.
Reason: I have a crapton of expense reports and company documents i have absolutly no need for. I thought about putting them in a fire, but i have no fireplace and i cna't make one outside, stupid HOA. Therefore i need another method of satisfying my destructive need with these painful memories of a job once held.
post pics of shredder pls!

Probably still in the car

Nope. I took the pc and my golf clubs out of the car when I picked up my parents from the airport Monday. There are two or three super soakers in the back seat but that's the only thing in my car.
Reason: I want a shredder so I can print out all of the threads on the intenret which offend or insult me, shred them, burn them and in so doing exact my wrath and vengence upon the world.