Halp Sleep Patterns

I've read a lot about that plan of sleep. Most people wind up going crazy trying it. They become unable to think clearly or process emotions. Many sleep specialists will tell you it is a bad idea. Your body just isn't made for that. Just ask any new parent. They do say if you are going to nap during the day you should do it in 20 minute increments because that is the amount of time it takes a normal person to go through a sleep cycle. I had to take a class about sleeping once.

The symptoms you're talking about are from sleep deprivation. Yes, initially you will experience those. But they go away as your body adjusts. And just because a sleep specialist tells me its bad is just as important as an OBGYN telling you blue cheese are bad. scare tactics++
the whole thing sounds silly to me
How is 2-3 non-consecutive hours of sleep supposed to replace 6-8 consecutive hours?

Well the theory is that we're actually doing it wrong. Polyphasic is how everything else in the animal kingdom sleeps.

That said, the most important part of sleep is the REM stage, which you go in and out of a few times a night. Normally it takes over an hour for you to get into REM. But buy reducing your total overall sleep, your body falling into REM faster. So even if you have less overall sleep, you still end up with the same amount (or possibly even more) of REM sleep.
fly's trying to turn us into his own personal squad of jason bournes
I like sleep too much to fuck with this
i have a terrible sleep pattern - usually 4 hours per night.

it's getting to sleep that's my problem. my newest method is looking at pictures of aerial photography.
I just hate how I think sleep is a waste of time in life. When I'm tired and know that I definitely needed more than that 3 hours I got, I just get up and do stuff.

It's hard for me to actually force myself to even go to bed.

Doing shizz > Sleep = WINNING
i can never fall asleep either. pretty sure my body is set up for like a 26 hour day instead of 24.

I think I read about a study where they closed people into a room(s) and allowed no external input and no clocks. I want to say that the people defaulted to a 26 hour cycle.
The symptoms you're talking about are from sleep deprivation. Yes, initially you will experience those. But they go away as your body adjusts. And just because a sleep specialist tells me its bad is just as important as an OBGYN telling you blue cheese are bad. scare tactics++

Since most believe the average adult requires 7-8 hours of sleep (there's lots of evidence to support this) regardless of how it is broken up, sleep deprivation is inevitable on much less. Obviously this isn't true for everyone. Also, REM sleep isn't necessarily the most important part of sleep it is just a important part of sleep. It's the closest you are to awake. It's not deep sleep (stage 4) and during deep sleep your body regenerates more easily. That is also a very important part of sleep, and you get it less often then other stages. In fact, all the stages of sleep are important. You can't leave any of them out and expect to function well. It's all about your personal circadian rhythms and how your pineal gland secretes melatonin and then how your endocrine system deals with controlling your cycles. People with different disorders wind up with sleep cycles that are out of whack because one of these systems breaks down or is overridden by another system. It adds to the symptoms of whatever disorder. Polyphasic sleeping has been a fad that has come and gone. It was big in the 70's. Most people abandon it, but hey, give it a try, it could work for you. Very few people find it satisfying or healthy. I have read a ton about it though.
I could almost get behind this sleep pattern. Rather similar to how I sleep now. Usually in bed by 11pm or 12am, get to sleep usually in 30 mins, wake up various times throughout the night, wake up again usually around 6am, fall back to sleep until alarm gets me up at 7am.
Then during the day I try to take a 20-30min nap after lunch, around 1-2pm. I napped a lot when I was kid, then stopped doing it until I was about 26. Now I fucking love it. If I own a business with lots of employees, that will be a policy, during lunch hour take 20min power nap. I get so much energy from that.

FWIW, I've had a sleep study last and nothing useful was learned from it. I can survive on 5-6hrs. Feel like shit though.