Thread Rainbow Reality Reunion


michelle is tweeting "isn't that rude that former HG's post in hate threads on forums".

GTFOH.. I post over at survivorsucks .. the thread nearest the top happens to be her "hate" thread, so i reply to what's been posted there sometimes, but i ain't said not one negative word about her.

i'm bout to go off. f'n weirdo.
Casey should audition for some soaps and move up to the next tier. These reality stars are holding him back.

you guys keep me grounded. :p

but, to quote a post:

ruh roh....
are you in trouble casey?

Michele Nonan Hey what everyone's opinion about BB HGs that post on other BB HG's hate forums threads? Isn't that a little wrong and freakin rude?
5 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike
Hey everyone. Whats your opinion on cheating on your husband, getting new boobs, and going off in search of a life in hollywood you aren't remotely qualified for?
5 hours ago - comment - likeunlike
whoa, creepy

well, and so now they're REALLY gonna go in on her. cause they know she's lurking... :lol: if she thought it was bad before? oh my.

and this, just posted to my facebookz, comment on a pic:

"Boy hanging around the girls with big boobs made Michelle get them. Hope she likes them. I myself think there a pain"
OMG :lol:

i know this is probably drivel to yall..

she unfollowed me on twitter :sickburn:

Play this right, and you can turn this into a high publicity 'Big Brother Feud' that could get at least some TMZ/Perez time. :lol:

In other words, you're out of the house now. Escalate this bitch.