WTF Private Healthcare Sucks, but less than public

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in missouri for things like dentists, if you own a practice you have to work at it... So they are all independently owned, no giant corps involved at all.
I'm not saying you're not correct there, but I can pretty much guarantee that making it 'public' isn't going to make it any cheaper.

Oh sure, some people might get to pay less, but that means the rest of us will pay more for less care than we've had in the past.

I never said one thing about making the system itself 'public'. But letting the private system manage itself obviously isn't the right solution either.
Anyone I've ever met who lived in a country that has a public option doesn't use it unless they have to. They have all paid for extra supplemental insurance. The public option is only on the table for lazy ass pukes who refuse to put down the crack pipe long enough to get a job and pay for their own.

Never been to France, Sweden, Denmark, Norway then I guess.

Because all dentists are opening their practice for the good of the people.

Why should they have to. When has it been a requirement for any job that it's done for the good of the people. I'm willing to bet you less that 5% of medical people anywhere do it for the good of the people. Know one in their right mind is going to go to school for that long to do something for the good of the people. That is why the US doesn't recognize half of the worlds medical schools because they are sub par.

Because all dentists are opening their practice for the good of the people.

So? Of course they are at it to make a living. It takes tons of time and money to even get a dental degree, let alone open a practice. If you don't like a dentist, find a new one, no one is forcing you to visit the dentist that doesn't care about his patients.

Saying only people that want to serve the country and sacrifice their time to better the people can be doctors or dentists is stupid, are you in your profession simply for the good of the people? No, so how can you expect them to pick their profession that way.
I can't believe you actually think some one would be held responsible for public healthcare and that voting them out would actually do a damn thing to change it. You've learned nothing about american politics in your time here ODS.

private its far superior... There is simply not enough dentists in your area to meet the demand, that'd still be an issue no matter who ran it. Public option or not.

I can understand your Federal government is useless.. They are just bought and paid for puppets being dangled in front of you all to keep you thinking you live in a democracy. Yet I do believe some state governments have much better accountability systems in place. Plus having 2 year terms for governor would help.
My oldest had a sore tooth, so I got some recommendations, found one that was covered by my insurance, called and had an appt 2 days later, and more for my boys 2 days after that. Same thing went with doctors.

I fail to see a problem here, aside from what Short guy posted up above.

It may work just fine for you, but it's not working fine for other people.
I can understand your Federal government is useless.. They are just bought and paid for puppets being dangled in front of you all to keep you thinking you live in a democracy. Yet I do believe some state governments have much better accountability systems in place. Plus having 2 year terms for governor would help.

I actually agree with this. Healthcare should be a state issue with zero federal involvement. That'll never happen though huh? Fed loves stepping all over states rights because they are greedy power hungry bitches.
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