Please welcome Shabazz Jenkins

Welcome, Shabazz. Why do you list your location as Dallas when there's a perfectly awesome city like Fort Worth so close?
Welcome, Shabazz. Why do you list your location as Dallas when there's a perfectly awesome city like Fort Worth so close?

I list my location as Dallas b/c that is where I live. I was not aware that "location" meant that I was to list the nearest shitkicker town to me. I will amend.
i thought his name was malcolm shabazz.

who are you? what do you do for a living? marital status? kids? favorite rapper? favorite country artist? favorite time of day? what do you do for fun?
I am not an expert on Malcolm X. This thing is off to a rocky and odd start.

Mixx, I am an unmarried shepherd with one child. I don't care for country music, but if you held a gun to my head I would say Johnny Cash. If you said "Johnny Cash isn't country" then you would just have to shoot me. Del and Mos Def would sit atop the rap list. I particularly like 2:02 PM.
sorry if i discombobulated you with the black activism talk.. that's just the first thing i think of when i hear shabazz.

and man, i don't listen to country music (tho the missus does), but felt compelled to ask something non-HH.

del was just here a few weeks ago, but the venue is hot and sweaty so we aint' make it. good taste tho. :D

how's T.O. playing out in dallas? he's an interesting character.. any gossip?