
I get paid every Monday and then I usually dip back into the account on Friday for weekend spending cash. Just got done paying 500 dollars in traffic tickets on the company card yesterday so there is no weekend funny money left. Well there is but if I hit up the account again this week my boss would probably have a stroke. Full access to corporate accounts ftw
somehow that doesn't strike me a s-ox compliant. i take it you're not public.
While in the military it was always the 1st and the 15th unless it fell on a weekend or holiday. Now I'm just every other Friday.
It's going to hurt really bad at first. When you run out of cash on the 10th the 15th is a long way away.

well it's gonna be because:

While in the military it was always the 1st and the 15th unless it fell on a weekend or holiday.

so hopefully I won't be spending much and thus not be running out of money before the next check :o
somehow that doesn't strike me a s-ox compliant. i take it you're not public.

We are not a publicly traded company, no. My office is its own entity and although I am not the owner, I am in a way. Basically I do all of the work and someone else gets all of the money :(. Which is why I am allowed to dip into the account when I need money(or a new video card, or to pay tickets :fly:). I have worked for my bosses partner for going on a decade and worked for my current boss for 4 years. My boss is my best friend and I live with him, my payment structure/bonus structure is very very odd. I wouldn't do this with any other company but I know I can trust them, they know they can trust me. When they make money, I make more money and get extra perks like weekend spending cash. When we are sucking I get a base pay and know I cannot dip in for extra. Just kinda a trust structure we have I guess :cool:
I get paid when a) I get around to invoicing my customers and b) they get around to paying me. Most of my customers are good and pay quickly, within 2 weeks. I did one consulting job recently that is about a month outstanding. I have to tactfully tell the guy to pay up (not doing business with that person again anyway).