overly short or tall persons

Exactly. That's what I'm getting at. I don't understand how this can pass into a "bill" or a law.

Someone who hasn't been diagnosed with dwarfism, or who isn't a midget, or who doesn't have a hormone/thyroid problem that causes them to grow to 8 ft tall and have bone/joint problems .. and is 5'2 ... how can they say they are being discriminated against?

So what, is the next thing to come out a bill that says you can't make fun of people in general .. because you're discriminating against them? :lol:

I guess the next thing is a bill that doesn't allow you to speak at all. Because you might offend/discriminate against someone in one way or another.

I say something about a short/tall person, a short/tall person says something about a fat person, a fat person says something about an ugly person, an ugly person says something about a rich/poor person, a rich poor person says something about a dumb person, a dumb person says something about ... and everyone gets in trouble for discriminating.

Where does this end?

Walk tall. The worst thing you can do if you are tall is not think it is a great asset. People have to look up to you. Stand tall and never round your shoulders or bend down to talk to anybody. Just lower you eyes.

Develop a Texas swagger. Push out your chest and enjoy the altitude.

I hear what you're saying. But I wasn't saying that I have a confidence issue or less than open attitude. Anyone that has ever met you can tell you that I am confident and friendly. Just because it hurts to bend over all the time to fit in an average height world doesn't mean I'm not to be proud of who I am.

I hate that it's literally uncomfortable and painful to be tall. Even though I'm past the growing pains of puberty, my knees and back still complain. My head has plenty of dents and dings (no wise cracks) from all the stuff that just above the average persons head.

Ah, the short man is so cute when he gets defensive. :fly:
