On my way to work this morning...

I just figured out what's wrong with this story.... you say the road is 'kinda hilly' and you're in florida. What, exactly, counts as a hill in your book? The only way you're going to change your elevation is to drive into the fucking bay.
itburnswhenipee said:
I just figured out what's wrong with this story.... you say the road is 'kinda hilly' and you're in florida. What, exactly, counts as a hill in your book? The only way you're going to change your elevation is to drive into the fucking bay.
LOL - Its only hilly cause the road drops down when there isn't an overpass.
Coqui said:
Correct. I'm saying that it was funny with that experiment video. It's infuriating with the trucks.

It would be interesting to see if there were fewer wrecks that day. Even though it was amusing looking, I wouldn't be too surprised if people about 30 cars back thought traffic was moving fine.
taeric said:
It would be interesting to see if there were fewer wrecks that day. Even though it was amusing looking, I wouldn't be too surprised if people about 30 cars back thought traffic was moving fine.

Speed doesn't cause accidents, idiots who use the passing lane as an actual lane of traffic cause accidents.
ChikkenNoodul said:
For some reason all the drivers I encountered in Scotland firmly understood this, and there were all these nice signs telling people to 'give way' to faster drivers along the roadside as well.

Ironically people slow down in the passing lane when one of those signs come up around here :(
Coqui said:
Speed doesn't cause accidents, idiots who use the passing lane as an actual lane of traffic cause accidents.
Unless you live in an overcrowded city, then you have no choice... (During rush hours anyway...)
ChikkenNoodul said:
For some reason all the drivers I encountered in Scotland firmly understood this, and there were all these nice signs telling people to 'give way' to faster drivers along the roadside as well.

Very few in Houston understand the concept of the "fast lane". Never fails that you get stuck behind shithead in a rusted out '83 corolla doing 45 with garbage all stuffed up in the back window backing up traffic for miles. Thats when fender-mounted RPGs would come in handy.
Drool-Boy said:
Very few in Houston understand the concept of the "fast lane". Never fails that you get stuck behind shithead in a rusted out '83 corolla doing 45 with garbage all stuffed up in the back window backing up traffic for miles. Thats when fender-mounted RPGs would come in handy.

Fortunately with the salt, there aren't that many of those left here
I live in Florida so this post is going to do nothing but make me have more road rage, lol. If I had a quarter for the number of times I have been run off the road by tourist looking at the pretty sign I'd be loaded. The best is when they start in the left turn lane at a light and decide to come into your lane while turning and then flip you off, lol
The inability to stay in your lane during a turn is one of my pet peeves. If any of you lazy bastards are listening right now, and you know who you are, here's a hint: There's a wheel in front of you... fucking turn it! Use both arms if you have to. I don't care if you have to put down your cell phone. I don't care if you'll spill your latte. If the force of the turn is too much then slow the fuck down. The lines are on the road for a reason you lazy, self absorbed sack of shit!
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