GAY OMG Socialism!

that chick never should have been in the jaeger. She made that clear during the first test, the commander dude (eldis alba or whatever his name is) was right

The issue was that Rollie had some bigtime issues of his own in the fact that he was in the drift with his brother when he died. That ticked in for a second during the test, and it overwhelmed the chick. If not for that, she would have been just fine.

They were the first team to ever single handedly take down 2 Kaiju at once, so they weren't exactly a bad match.
A woman can dream, right? :fly:

I can't even guess the percentage of people who were drawn together. We live in a decent sized city with various groups. I know where I was born it would have been UNITED!!!!!!!!! Here? My Muslim friends felt scared, my pacifist friends felt like an outsider and some people were just confused.

A group of friends of mine were all discussing it - some ultra conservatives and some more "crunchy and peaceful" types. I was surprised how many people said they didn't feel the unity. I would imagine like me, after stating my feelings once or twice, they just shut up about the feelings inside because the backlash was fierce.

So honestly it would be really hard to guess IMO, the amount of people who were not feeling very welcome here. It would have been pretty much impossible to know back then because no one would report about people who didn't feel welcome or united. It would be written off as "look at those crazy Un-American people"

Not saying that a lot of the country was united, but I don't think it was near as much as people think it was. Particularly if you are a WASPy type who doesn't mind wars for things like that. I say WASP only to emphasize non-Muslim or those who do not look 'middle eastern' because I can tell you that those who looked remotely Muslim weren't feeling the love. I can even tell you traveling with a non-European last name that isn't very common even in the Latin world opened my eyes to things. When your last name starts just like others of a type that people are scared of, you do always get extra screening at airports.

So that's a ramble but I think perspectives might be different based on who you are an how you feel.

I have a feeling more people were afraid to say they were against the "War on Terror" than were willing to say... but again I know too many pacifists so I am just more aware of it.
I think you and I have a fundamental difference in what we mean when we talk about being united.

I'm not talking about being pro-war. I'm not talking about being anti-muslim. I'm not talking about any of that nonsense.
I'm talking about the feeling of Americans supporting other Americans, I'm talking about us drawing together as a nation. Not to go to war or anything like that, but to support one another during a horrible time.
I think you and I have a fundamental difference in what we mean when we talk about being united.

I'm not talking about being pro-war. I'm not talking about being anti-muslim. I'm not talking about any of that nonsense.
I'm talking about the feeling of Americans supporting other Americans, I'm talking about us drawing together as a nation. Not to go to war or anything like that, but to support one another during a horrible time.

Get the fuck out of here with that reasonable point of view. How dare you not take an extremely pedantic position on this issue.
I think you and I have a fundamental difference in what we mean when we talk about being united.

I'm not talking about being pro-war. I'm not talking about being anti-muslim. I'm not talking about any of that nonsense.
I'm talking about the feeling of Americans supporting other Americans, I'm talking about us drawing together as a nation. Not to go to war or anything like that, but to support one another during a horrible time.

Trust me I get what you are saying with that. It was a false sense for many though. I was point blank told I was NOT American for how I felt at that time and that I should just move to Canada. Everyone was "united" and were feeling we should "get those bastards" when not everyone did. There was a lot of crap going on behind that people don't even think about if you didn't come across it.

The mentality was if you did not support the war, you were not to be supported by others. You were told to get out of the country if you didn't like it. How is that support?

I also cannot say that people would feel united and that other Americans would be willing to help them if they also worried they were going to be lashed out against due to religion either.

I never once felt like I was drawn together during that time. In fact in some circles I felt very alone and on my own. Again in a recent discussion this past September I am finding more and more people did not feel united in the least. I'd link to a discussion forum I was a part of, but don't feel like sharing other places I posted ;)
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I'm talking about the feeling of Americans supporting other Americans, I'm talking about us drawing together as a nation. Not to go to war or anything like that, but to support one another during a horrible time.
People were exploiting it for profit days after it happened. Some still are. No one has ever helped anyone without helping themselves.
I want to fucking bash my head against a bloody wall. Seriously, I really do. It would make more sense than the shit I'm reading in here.
I want to fucking bash my head against a bloody wall. Seriously, I really do. It would make more sense than the shit I'm reading in here.
You'd be doing everyone a favor. So I don't see it happening.
I think you and I have a fundamental difference in what we mean when we talk about being united.

I'm not talking about being pro-war. I'm not talking about being anti-muslim. I'm not talking about any of that nonsense.
I'm talking about the feeling of Americans supporting other Americans, I'm talking about us drawing together as a nation. Not to go to war or anything like that, but to support one another during a horrible time.

Get the fuck out of here with your logical reasoning
whaaaaaa!?!?! People are assholes!?!?!?!

Tell me more about this intriguing development...
My point was everyone is an asshole. No one cares about anything except how it effects them personally. The only way, an American, would ever help someone is if it benefited them personally.