Ok, where did everyone go?


Flaccid Member
Sep 30, 2004
Is there something cool going on somewhere else and no one told me?

Content : Both Spange and I are into hunting down bargains on tech items or finding freebies. Anyone else get a strange thrill sticking it to retailers when you enter in 8 stacked coupons to get some $800 item for $50 AR?

Super bonus content : what are you no good at that you wish you were good at. I'm really not great with investments. I wish I were, but I find it terribly boring and time consuming.
We don't get huge discounts with coupons and stuff around here. That makes me sad. At the same time it makes me pissed off...

Drawing, wish I could.
I'm watching 2 babies today (mine and an extra) and my mom is coming up for the day, so I won't be around much.

I wish I could sing.
The power of an attractive woman's colon cannot be overstated.

I have no idea what the hell that means.
Oh and I've got craploads of client billing to take care of today to ensure I keep my job, so I won't be around much. Just to answer the thread question. I know that chokes up Theac and everything, but fear not - I'll be back.
Lame-o said:
Oh and I've got craploads of client billing to take care of today to ensure I keep my job, so I won't be around much. Just to answer the thread question. I know that chokes up Theac and everything, but fear not - I'll be back.
