Ok.... how is this possible?

KNYTE said:
Supposedly people bounce.

50mph really isn't all that fast though, she must've had a quite a bit of drag to stay at that low of a speed.

I heard from Marines that I use to know that people bounce too. They had a friend that during a practice drop had chute that didn't open and they said he was a three bouncer. Sounded horrific from their description. Both look disturbed by it as they told me about it. Guess that's an image you see during every jump from then on.
b_sinning said:
I heard from Marines that I use to know that people bounce too. They had a friend that during a practice drop had chute that didn't open and they said he was a three bouncer. Sounded horrific from their description. Both look disturbed by it as they told me about it. Guess that's an image you see during every jump from then on.


Marines don't use parachutes.
I saw the complete vid numerous times on tv...dunno how you all missed...yeah, she face planted in a parking lot
b_sinning said:
Maybe they were rangers. It was a long time ago.

I think maybe YOU'RE LYING!!!!

HAHAHAHAHA Busted, dude. I totally busted you. Did you see that? WOOO!




Sarcasmo said:
I think maybe YOU'RE LYING!!!!

HAHAHAHAHA Busted, dude. I totally busted you. Did you see that? WOOO!





*crickets chirp, tumbleweed rolls by in a quiet breeze
theacoustician said:
Just because he busted b doesn't mean you get to dig on his sex life.

:lol:, when I first started reading I thought you were legitmately reprimanding me for something. :fly:
taeric said:
I don't think I'd touch anything about this situation with a bet. :) I'd have bet there was no way she could have survived. Much less a fetus.
One of my friends was a paratrooper. He told me that apparently the "safest" way to hit the ground should your chute fail to open is face down with all appendages extended. You're going to fuck yourself up pretty badly but there's something like a 75% chance of survival. I dunno, I've never jumped out of a plane.
CletusJones said:
One of my friends was a paratrooper in the marines. He told me that apparently the "safest" way to hit the ground should your chute fail to open is face down with all appendages extended. You're going to fuck yourself up pretty badly but there's something like a 75% chance of survival. I dunno, I've never jumped out of a plane.
The Cat Fall
Sarcasmo said:
I think maybe YOU'RE LYING!!!!

HAHAHAHAHA Busted, dude. I totally busted you. Did you see that? WOOO!





It was some guys I met when I got certified to scuba dive. It was 10 years ago. I took a lot of things to hurt brain cells between then and now.