Now's your chance, Thorn!

pax is the nominative case (subject)
pace is the ablative or the means by which the action (resting) is done

interr- = to question

Edit: One you dont see so often is STTL which means Sit tibi terra levis, may the earth rest lightly on you

STFU my friend. God speed.
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What is also weird is she really didn't hit anything except the soft snow. On Stern they were guessing that it was a preexisting condition waiting to erupt. Well... Dr. Drew, not Stern said that.

It's scary sad. Not because of who she is, but how easy it is to lose your brains.


Really? Geez, I figured she Sonny Bonoed into a tree or something.


Dunno what beginner slopes you've been to Duke, but people fall all the time on them. Hence why they are called the beginner slopes. Usually the beginner skiers don't fall hard enough to bash their head however.
Dunno what beginner slopes you've been to Duke, but people fall all the time on them. Hence why they are called the beginner slopes. Usually the beginner skiers don't fall hard enough to bash their head however.

Well, I lived in CO for close to 16 years, so I've been to pretty much all of them in the rockies.

The ones they do the training on aren't that long, nor are they that steep. The chances of landing right on your head from a tumble are almost astronomically low.
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