New ON-topic discussion forum created!

Nah don't take it to PMs! Rip each other apart!

... there are too many women driving miatas on this forum, please balance it out?
Honestly though, this stuff was raised in the thread where the subforum was suggested and disseminated there. IMO this isnt the thread to bring it up in again and godammit my opinion means more than anyone elses.

FlamingGlory said:
Honestly though, this stuff was raised in the thread where the subforum was suggested and disseminated there. IMO this isnt the thread to bring it up in again and godammit my opinion means more than anyone elses.


never saw the thread...I don't know about you but I don't have the time to read every thread or post here
BeeRad said:
well tell her I said she was very cute and that means alot from me cause im so freakin cool


I got a text message....

my mom says were having macaroni for dinner SWEEEEET

all i got from her today:
