
When I worked at a gas station in High School, one of my coworkers was a very portly boy, and he had the typical fetbody stench that never goes away (a mix between old milk, grease, and fish.. oh god i can smell it now.) We called him stinky. He also had those little tendrils in the corners of his mouth, and his teeth had furry little green sweaters on them. I tried having a serious talk with him about hygiene, and it didn't work, so Bekky (another coworker) and attacked him one day, we each got 2 cans of right guard and sprayed the crap out of him. He still smelled :(
it's what happens when you try to extract a urinary system, kidneys ureters and bladders en bloc- you have to snip the seminal vescicles. these 26 week olds haven't had a date in their lives.

dissecting genmay members?

Best. Edit. Evar.

My previous group was divided between a North American and New Dehli operating center. The ND guys and gals would each spend 3-6 months training with the NA staff, getting them up to speed with policies, procedures, etc. Now, these guys smelled so bad we had to change out their chairs every time they went back to Mumbai, but they weren't the worst. The worst was the extremely cute girls that would come over that had excellent hygiene, up until you got close to them. There is nothing worse than sidling up to a hottie and getting a whiff of her unmentionables.