My new religion


May 25, 2005
I have seen the light and that is the light of Flying Spaghetti Monsterism

ChikkenNoodul said:
Probably the 'I want to believe' one, and any of the 'noodly appendage' ones :lol:

I'm still cracking up in my cube

I tend to steer towards simplistic, so I think I'd go for the simple black text "I was touched by his noodly appendage" one.
itburnswhenipee said:
I am enormously entertained by anything pirate related, but I think I'll have to steer towards the coffee mug with the chart instead.

Isn't it funny how pirates can tickle our fancy? :fly:
So a pirate walks into a bar, and he's got a ship's wheel is sticking out the front of his pants.
The bartender says, "Sir, you appear to have a ship's wheel sticking out the front of your pants.
And the pirate replies, "Yarr... me ship was caught in a terrible storm and dashed to splinters across the reefs. I staggered here three miles from the beach I washed up on and have been steadily losing blood... I think I might pass out. Can you please call a doctor?"