My Kramers

I almost hit a black guy crossing the road the other night. He was wearing all black, there was no street lights, and it was right after a curve in the road. He yelled "You almost hit me you Cracker!" It made me realize that I was hungry for crackers and that I was driving too slow.
black people and white people don't view it the same.

As Kyle told Token, I don't get it and I never will. I'm not black.

I may be in the, heh, minority but there is very little that bothers me. Not because I don't have an opinion but mostly because I think everyone else is entitled to theirs.
If they want the N word to go away then they will have to stop using it themselves. Stop using it in music and tv too.

Someone calling me Cracker doesn't bother me at all. It sounds funny and makes them sound stupid. I sometimes get a mental image that I'm a giant saltine with my face sticking out of it. "Please don't eat mister black man!"

I think need to adjust my meds again.
If they want the N word to go away then they will have to stop using it themselves. Stop using it in music and tv too.

Someone calling me Cracker doesn't bother me at all. It sounds funny and makes them sound stupid. I sometimes get a mental image that I'm a giant saltine with my face sticking out of it. "Please don't eat mister black man!"

I think need to adjust my meds again.

The argument is that the n-word has horrible history behind it, cracker is just a joke. :p
Maybe the real problem is that there isn't a good derogatory words for white people. Cracker, Honkey, Whitebread is just sad. We need to think of a good one so everyone feels equal.