I've started reading his posts with his accent in mind and it makes it way better. I can't take him seriously anymore because I'm too busy drooling, but at least he's not scary anymore. Juli, you are one lucky girl even if you do argue.
If I do that, I can't understand what he's saying. :fly:
i have one, but i'm not always like that
Ya, I know... it's just what happens when reading instead of actually having a face to face convo with someone.
I've heard it's fairly common for people to unintentionally fart during yoga. that might call for the word anus here and there
I've heard it's fairly common for people to unintentionally fart during yoga. that might call for the word anus here and there

I've done a lot of farting in my day. I cannot recall a single moment when the word 'anus' followed it.

Maybe it's just me.
when you have 1/2 a dozen people within 5ft of you and you keep farting during yoga, someone is bound to say "SHUT YOUR ANUS ALREADY. GOD DAMMIT!"
or something like that :p