Money vs Family

Well of course it's not, but it seems to me that anywhere near work for most professional people there would be expensive to live in.

I, of course, could be wrong but that's how it is in the areas I know fairly well.

Western MA, for instance is inexpensive - but there's no work out there in many areas.

Rural NY, is ridiculously cheap, if you don't mind a 2+ hour commute to anywhere.

"That's funny, Orange County didn't look this big on the map. :("
I'm sure this thread has gone completely offtopic by now, but anyway...

I moved out of my parents house for a reason. Why the hell would you want to move back?
He's not moving IN with his parents; just closer.

...but I agree. I like living far enough away that visits are special.
actually y'all have three but one's a nogooder and the other two i persuaded into thinking they were daddies because i need one to keep hold of kiki's leash and the other to walk around and bitchslap y'all around from time to time. oh and to bring me milk and wine home when i realize i'm about out.
i think i'm gonna send one over to smizack's side. he needs to chill on april and go back to bein' cool.