Just out of curiosity...

F33nX said:
Many missionaries have gone to Africa to preach the Christian/Catholic methodology, and have in some extreme cases told the Africans that they would contract AIDS by simply WEARING a condom. Which would you have, sin against controlling a wild population or preventing a serious disease where you can easily infect others without proper education?
Now that I would believe, but I have a great disdain for organized religion.
F33nX said:
Without research, doctors and aspiring doctors much like yourself would be out of jobs, because there would be no information or drugs to relay to you arrogant moneygrabbers to treat your patients and look like heroes.

AIDS and Cancer are in two completely different ballparks. Both, in my mind, are equally as important to research. Most people in this world know of at least one person who has been affected by one or the other. In my case, both. My cousin died of cancer 3 weeks after he was diagnosed. I know plenty of people with HIV and at least one who died of full blown AIDS. Both boil my blood and cause me to lose sleep at night, every night. That's why I'm doing my best to fight it where I can.
Different ballparks yes, except one is more important than the other. You can argue this day and night but the fact will still remain to me, and many other HO's and SHO's that one is more important to research and find treatment for than the other. And it is most certainly not the other way around
fly said:
I would be willing to bet if they aren't using them, its more for religious reasons or lack of education. If you were an African, and some white man showed up and told you to put this 'thing' on your penis, would you?
The program was Panorama made by the BBC, so it's credible. And yes, they were given all the right education by a respected christian charity (It may have been the Red Cross, but I am unsure) They were pointing out that even though they know the effects of not wearing a condom, they still prefer it to do it regardless as it makes a "sticky" sound.
This is the same documentary from which it was uncovered that a tribal "cure" for AIDS was to rape a virgin.