Food Jerkoff parents reveal "gender neutral" childs gender

Don't tell me I actually missed your birthday.

If so I blame my brother. He still hasn't given me a fucking calendar for this year.

And I've been somewhat preoccupied with my friends wife being in intensive care after removing a tumour in her back.

/sob story
Don't tell me I actually missed your birthday.

If so I blame my brother. He still hasn't given me a fucking calendar for this year.

And I've been somewhat preoccupied with my friends wife being in intensive care after removing a tumour in her back.

/sob story
Everyone knows youre dead inside.
My birthday was 2 days after your mothers this year. Come to think of it. It was 2 days after your mothers last year too. I'm starting to spot a pattern here. Don't worry. Your mother bought a card and wrote 'from Carys' on it.

No, the other way round you thoughtless waste of space. You may have missed my birthday by 2 days, but you managed to miss your mothers birthday by a whole 4 days.