Pics It's a chop


. . first name's "Daisy" boys
May 12, 2008
Brandon, FL
I nearly blew my rectum out from laughing at this quote. I seriously cannot believe it made the news like this.

The lower part of the photograph, which shows his partially opened mouth and graying beard, is almost identical to another image of bin Laden published years ago. The upper half shows his wounds in detail greater than that of the rest of the photo and there are unusual and abrupt shifts in the coloration of his skin.

A photographer consulted by CNN said the gruesome photograph is most definitely not real.

"I have seen a great number of poorly Photoshopped images in my time as a photographer and I can tell by the pixels that it is a fake," said Kenna Lindsay, a New York-based photographer who works with composite images.


there's an xkcd for everything
Do I believe that the the U.S. military got Bin Ladin? Yes

Do I believe that proof has been given to the public? No
I don't buy all this. Same reason I don't believe in God. I don't take people's word as proof.

There are really 3 options here:

1) We fucking killed him
2) He was already dead
3) He will release a new tape

#3 makes it very obvious that we can't fake it. If he was already dead, big fucking deal - he still is. The simplest answer is #1, so Occam's Razor says its correct.

There are really 3 options here:

1) We fucking killed him
2) He was already dead
3) He will release a new tape

#3 makes it very obvious that we can't fake it. If he was already dead, big fucking deal - he still is. The simplest answer is #1, so Occam's Razor says its correct.

Well more power to ya if that's logical to you..
The greatest terrorist act Usama ever did?

Making us think there would be more attacks. We've spent 1 trillion dollars, and killed 1 million people; the American way of life; and our individual freedoms to counter a thought.