In this thread...

smileynev said:
Remember Funzie? Remember how funny those comics were?

Yeah, neither do I.
I couldn't spend time on funzie, making it funny because I was too busy fucking your wife in the ass and telling her I wouldn't blow my load in her anal hole again until she kicked your ass and made you clean up around the house constantly
elpmis said:
I couldn't spend time on funzie, making it funny because I was too busy fucking your wife in the ass and telling her I wouldn't blow my load in her anal hole again until she kicked your ass and made you clean up around the house constantly

Hey, is Funzie back?
did I mention that after I was done mounting the horse that is your wife I threw on a pair of your tighty whities which really fits me as a bathrobe you fat bastard and walked my ass to your shower where I shoved bars and bars of soap up my ass
elpmis said:
did I mention that after I was done mounting the horse that is your wife I threw on a pair of your tighty whities which really fits me as a bathrobe you fat bastard and walked my ass to your shower where I shoved bars and bars of soap up my ass

You're rolling now. theacoustician must be rubbing off on you.
elpmis said:
did I mention that after I was done mounting the horse that is your wife I threw on a pair of your tighty whities which really fits me as a bathrobe you fat bastard and walked my ass to your shower where I shoved bars and bars of soap up my ass

You touched the 'nevs underpants?
I hope you were wearing goddamn gloves ffs
F33nX said:
wow, do you think of all your funny lines yourself or just recycle what people have said against you?

I'm gonna break the rules of nev's dumb thread......... hiya F33nX. If you need to get away from the 'white-glove' thing on Monday, feel free to hit me on aim, or gmail me :)

We now return you to the normal (idiotic) flow of this thread.

Thank you.
BigDov said:
I'm gonna break the rules of nev's dumb thread......... hiya F33nX. If you need to get away from the 'white-glove' thing on Monday, feel free to hit me on aim, or gmail me :)

We now return you to the normal (idiotic) flow of this thread.

Thank you.

You couldnt have done that via PM you hair-gelling fgt?
It's hard to get the big picture when you have such a small screen.

Never enter a battle of wits unarmed.

Nice to see you on your feet. Who sent the derrick?

No one will ever know that you've had a lobotomy, if you wear a wig to hide to the scars and learn to control the slobbering.

Now go away or I shall taunt you a second time.

Of all the people I've met you're certainly one of them.

Ordinarily people live and learn. You just live.

Pardon me, but you've obviously mistaken me for someone who gives a damn.

People can't say that you have absolutely nothing! After all, you have inferiority!

People clap when they see you - their hands over their eyes or ears.

People say that you are outspoken but not by anyone that I know of.

People say that you are the perfect idiot. I say that you are not perfect but you are doing all right.

Perhaps your whole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.

Please breathe the other way. You're bleaching my hair.

She could eat a watermelon through a picket fence!

She had a mouth dirtier than a wicker toilet seat.

She has a nice butter face. Everything looks nice, but her face.

She thinks the rearview mirror is for putting on make-up.

She was another one of his near Mrs.

She's a lot like train tracks - she's been laid across the country.

She's got a body that won't quit and a brain that won't start.

She's got more chins than the Hong Kong telephone book.

She's like Taco Bell. When people see her, they run for the border.

She's so ugly they used to put a pot roast in her lap so the dog would play with her.

She's so ugly, she'd make a freight train take a dirt road!

Sit down and give your mind a rest.

Slit your wrists - it will lower your blood pressure.

So stupid, he moves his lips when watching TV.

So ugly, robbers give him their masks to wear.

So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey.

Some day you will find yourself - and wish you hadn't.

Some drink from the fountain of knowledge, but he just gargled.

Some folks are so dumb, they have to be watered twice a week.

Some people are has-beens. You are a never-was.

Some people don't hesitate to speak their minds because they have nothing to lose.

Somebody else is doing the driving for that boy!

Someday you'll go far, if you catch the right train.

Someone said you are not fit to sleep with pigs. I stuck up for the pigs.

Someone said you are not fit to sleep with pigs. I stuck up for you and said, 'oh yes she is.'

Someone took a photo of you once but it didn't turn out. You could be seen too clearly.

Take a vacation; go to Club Dead.

Take off that mask! Don't you think it's a little early for Halloween?

Talk is cheap, but so are you.

That's a very meaty question and I'd like to give it a very meaty answer -baloney!

The closest she/he'll ever get to a brainstorm is a slight drizzle.

The cream rises to the top. So does the scum.

The going got weird and he turned pro.

The inbreeding is certainly obvious in your family.

The next time you shave, could you stand a little closer to the razor?

The only thing he brought to this job was his car.

The overwhelming power of the sex drive was demonstrated by the fact that someone was willing to father you.

The thing that terrifies me the most is that someone might hate me as much as I loathe you.

The twinkle in his eyes is actually the sun shining between his ears.

The wheel is still spinning but the hamster died.

There are only two things I dislike about her - her face.

There are several people in this world that I find obnoxious and you are all of them.

There is no vaccine against stupidity.

They just invented a new coffin just for you that goes over the head. It's for people who are dead from the neck up.

They said you were a great asset. I told them they were off by two letters.

They say opposites attract. I hope you meet someone who is good-looking, intelligent, and cultured.

They say space is a dangerous place . . . especially if it's between your ears!

They say that travel broadens one. You must have been around the world.

They say that two heads are better than one. In your case, one would have been better than none.

They say truth is stranger than fiction. Look, your mother gave birth to you.

They shot him through the stupid forest, and he didn't miss a tree.

Thinking isn't your strong suit, is it? --from "Lost In Space"

This is no battle of wits between you and me. I never pick on an unarmed man.

Too bad stupidity isn't painful.

We all spring from apes but you didn't spring far enough.

We do not complain about your shortcomings but about your long stayings.

We heard that when you ran away from home your folks sent you a note saying, "Do not come home and all will be forgiven."

We know that you would give your life for us. Promises, promises!

We know that you would go to the end of the world for us. But would you stay there?

We know you could not live without us. We'll pay for the funeral.

We'll get along fine as soon as you realize I'm God.

Well, I'll see you in my dreams - if I eat too much.

What color is the sky in your world?

What he lacks in intelligence, he more than makes up for in stupidity.

Whatever anyone says to you goes in one ear and out the other because nothing is blocking traffic.

Whatever is eating you - must be suffering horribly.

What's the latest dope - besides you?

When God was throwing intelligence down to the Earth, you were holding an umbrella.

When I look into your eyes, I see the back of your head.

When you die, I'd like to go to your funeral but I'll probably have to go to work that day. I believe in business before pleasure.

When you die, you should have your brain donated to science. I hear they're trying to come up with the perfect vacuum.

When you feel terrific, notify your face.

When you fell out of the ugly tree, you hit every branch on the way down.

When you get run over by a car it shouldn't be listed under accidents.

When you pass away and people ask me what the cause of your death was, I'll say your stupidity.

When you were a child your mother wanted to hire someone to take care of you but the Mafia wanted too much.

When you were born, God admitted that even He could make a mistake!

Whom am I calling "stupid"? I don't know. What's your name?

Why don't you go to the library and brush up on your ignorance?

With a mind like yours, who needs a body?

Worst-dressed sentient being in the known universe.

Would you like some cheese and crackers to go with that whine?

Would you like to replace my business partner who died this morning? I'll arrange it with the undertaker.

You always have your ear to the ground. So how's life in the gutter?

You are a man of the world -- and you know what sad shape the world is in.

You are about as useful as a windshield wiper on a goat's ass.

You are as strong as an ox and almost as intelligent.

You are down to earth but not quite far down enough.

You are living proof that manure can grow legs and walk.

You are no longer beneath my contempt.

You are not as bad as people say - you are worse!

You are pretty as a picture and we'd love to hang you.

You are so boring that you can't even entertain a doubt.

You are so dishonest that I can't even be sure that what you tell me are lies!

You are so dumb you sit on the TV and watch the sofa.

You are so fat that I hear you were arrested three times for jaywalking when all the time you were just standing on the corner waiting for the light to change.

You are so stupid you got hit by a parked car

You are such a smart-ass I bet you could sit on a carton of ice cream and tell what flavor it is. (Thanks, Erin and Justin Keller)

You are the kind of person who, when one first meets you, one doesn't like you. But when one gets to know you better, one hates you.

You could throw her in the river and skim ugly for two days.

You don't sweat much, for a fat girl.

You grow on people - like a wart!

You have a face only a mother could love - and she hates it!

You have a good weapon against muggers - your face!

You have a lot of well-wishers. They would all like to throw you down one.

You have a speech impediment ... your foot.

You have a striking face. Tell me, how many times were you struck there?

You have an inferiority complex - and it's fully justified.

You have no trouble making ends meet. Your foot is always in your mouth!

You say that you are always bright and early. Well OK, we know you are early.

You should be the poster child for birth control.

You should do some soul-searching. Maybe you'll find one.

You should have been born in the Dark Ages; you look terrible in the light.

You should toss out more of your funny remarks; that's all they're good for.

You started at the bottom - and it's been downhill ever since.

You used to be arrogant and obnoxious. Now you are just the opposite. You are obnoxious and arrogant.

You were born because your mother didn't believe in abortion; now she believes in infanticide.

You were the answer to a prayer. Your parents prayed that the world would be made to suffer and here you came along.

You will never be able to live down to your reputation!

Your conversation is like the waves of the sea. It makes me sick!

Your dog is so stupid, he chases parked cars.

Your family tree is good but you are the sap.

Your mouth is getting too big for your muzzle.

Your teeth are like stars - they come out at night.

Your verbosity is exceeded only by your stupidity.

You're a habit I'd like to kick; with both feet.

You're acquitting yourself in a way that no jury ever would.