I'm gonna start linking threads from other forums...

yo compre taco bell esta tarde. quien quiere me sentarle en su cara?

me grammar sucks. i am not addin accent marks or proper punctuation either.
you can go to hell. i had a dream about that loser kid from the other forum, and turns out he was shens. he got that information and speil from email spam but by the time people had figured it out, he had formed this huge coalition against best buy.
damn i shouldn't drink right before bed:(
F33nX said:
you can go to hell. i had a dream about that loser kid from the other forum, and turns out he was shens. he got that information and speil from email spam but by the time people had figured it out, he had formed this huge coalition against best buy.
damn i shouldn't drink right before bed:(
Yeah, you should drink first thing in the morning, at lunch, midafternoon, evening, and night, but lay off a couple hours before sleep
ChikkenNoodul said:
Would you then confuse that the agreement henceforth set upon the stage before us has been written justly?

Only if both parties are heretoforthwith referred to as "plaintiff" and "douchebag" respectively and retroactively.