i'm going to be a bitch today.

Thorn Bird

Forum Mom
May 24, 2005
i'm NOT in a good mood, i'm VERY bitter, and i am EXCITED that i WANT to be a TOTAL BITCH today. i need to do something that feeds this anger.

so what feels REALLY FUCKING GOOD when you're pissed and you want justification? i honestly feel like hurting someone today.
Childrens party + clown suit


i may have all the time in the world but i don't want to spend the money

Lame. You live life once, go out and have fun with it.

listen bitch. you need to grow some balls first before you go around pushing REAL women. go back to your playground.

Yowser, good one. What if I slap you? :fly: [:heart:]

Take a nice drive around the block. That seems to angry up yer blood real good.
Right behind an old asian woman.