Baby I'll just leave this here


Half-staff Member
Oct 30, 2008
Shelton, WA

God damn, do we need to license people before they can post on youtube now, or have today's kids just been raised all fucking wrong by my generation. (ugh, I fuckinghate that I said that, but truth is, I am old enough to be this guys dad at this point)
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I made it to 1:25. Why the fuck does he go nuts grabbing his nose?

The youth of today is retarded. The more YouTube videos I see the less hope I have for humanity.
Not defending this douchnozzle but, IMO, we were all equally retarded. We just didn't have access to the world to show our retardedness like these kids do.

My wife and I were talking about this yesterday but about bullying. When we were kids, kids got bullied but, for the most part, they only had to worry about it during school hours. Today's kids, if they're targets, can't get away from it because the bullying goes online and spreads across the world. Look at the "I can count to potato" girl. While the bullying didn't affect her directly and she didn't even know about it for years, the entire world has been laughing at her for years.
Not defending this douchnozzle but, IMO, we were all equally retarded. We just didn't have access to the world to show our retardedness like these kids do.

My wife and I were talking about this yesterday but about bullying. When we were kids, kids got bullied but, for the most part, they only had to worry about it during school hours. Today's kids, if they're targets, can't get away from it because the bullying goes online and spreads across the world. Look at the "I can count to potato" girl. While the bullying didn't affect her directly and she didn't even know about it for years, the entire world has been laughing at her for years.

All the more reason for kids to get offline and go the fuck outside.