Movie IITS


What the hells a man doing with a bobby pin?
You know your son looks like a fag to me. Youd better hurry up & get married again or he's gonna have somebody's cock in his mouth before you can say Jack Robinson
If they lost their crew & are on manual whos in control of that bucket, Lieutenant?

Some guy by the name of Ted Striker sir

Ted Striker!

You know him sir?

Never heard of him..........thats not exactly true. We were like brothers
Lieutenant, how would you handle this?

We could try ignoring it sir.

I see. Pretend nothing has happened & hope it all turns out all right in the morning

Its just a thought sir

Ive considered that. Theres got to be a better angle
Do you know anything about a man going around playing a harmonica? Hes someone youd remember. Instead of talking, he plays. And when he better play, he talks