If you have triplets and one dies, are they twins?

Say yes to abortion, lower crime, lower food requirements, less poverty, less homeless, less disease, less strain on food supply chains, less pollution, cheaper lifestyles with more for retirement, less psychological issues prompted by stress, less litigations, less use of adoption, etc!

That could spawn a whole new thread right there....... interesting idea. Would you propose to impose your "yes to abortion" on certain areas of the country only, or revert to some kind of ethnic/racial profiling to accomplish your goal??

Anyone below an IQ of 120 must abort!!!
I'd rather they prevent breeding by assholes than idiots. we'll always need a minimum wage labor force, but if we could weed out the assholes life would be a lot more pleasant.

caveat: i get to decide who is and is not an asshole.
That could spawn a whole new thread right there....... interesting idea. Would you propose to impose your "yes to abortion" on certain areas of the country only, or revert to some kind of ethnic/racial profiling to accomplish your goal??

Read Freakonomics, they draw a correlation between abortion being legalized and crime rates dropping DRASTICALLY about 15 years later.