Thread I need a judgement call

Hmm it depends in the SO's boundaries with disclosure. What if they like keeping work and home separate?

Also specific to me: my manager emails out schedules after days off are approved so it would be hard to hide.
It would work for me since you don't really request time off its all submitted online. Other than having the boss know about it it doesn't go for approval. So at most the boss could do would be to say yes. They would still have to submit the vacation themselves prior to going. Plus it's weird. I've done many surprise trips that I don't tell them where we are going until we board the plane.
It would work for me since you don't really request time off its all submitted online. Other than having the boss know about it it doesn't go for approval. So at most the boss could do would be to say yes. They would still have to submit the vacation themselves prior to going. Plus it's weird. I've done many surprise trips that I don't tell them where we are going until we board the plane.

When you have to tell them to pack their skis or a bikini it kinda kills the surprise.
Reading this thread, I get how this played out. April was going to surprise Fly, tried to get him the days off on the sly. Fly found out, and started to shout. April said 'but babe, this is ok'. Fly said 'fuck that, you don't know jack'. He then made this thread, hoping to make the point dead. Turns out, it wasn't a rout, and now their argument will fester.