I hit myself in the leg with a sledgehammer...

There was a hill right around the corner from where we grew up, that my sister and I would ride our bikes down all the time. One day we thought it would be a good plan to ride doubles on the bike...... she was the passenger the first time, and of course since I was an expert bikesman, we pulled it off without a hitch.

She decided that she'd like to pilot the blue Schwinn down the hill with me as her co-pilot, so I said sure and let her have a go. We got going and all was well..... it was when we got to the bottom that things turned out not so great.

Her friend Dana lived at the bottom of the hill and there was a gravel driveway leading to her house..... for whatever reason, Dawn decided to hit the gravel instead of the brakes. Of course, she didn't have the superior skills that I did, and we wrecked. In the gravel.

I flew off the bike and landed on my side and skidded. Since it was summer, all I was wearing was a pair of shorts and my bad-ass knee high socks with 2 blue stripes on the top. I was scraped the length of my right side, arm, chest, stomach, it pulled my shorts down a bit and scraped me close to hip, down my leg and then to my knee. If it weren't for my socks, my calf would have been beat up too. Thank god for bad fashion in the 70's.

My sister on the other hand, I don't know what the hell. She hung onto the bike like a champ and went down with it. The only place she got hurt was her elbow. But there were about 3 rocks stuck in it. She was crying and screaming like crazy, so I helped her up and we started walking back home. Of course I'm pushing Old Blue, because you know, her elbow HAD to hurt more than my whole bleeding side.

My mom and dad were sitting outside and probably heard Dawn wailing as soon as we got to the top of the hill, and they came running out to get us. My mom rushes Dawn to the emergency room......... and I get stood up in the back yard and hosed off. And yelled at. Then taken into the house where I swear to fucking god a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol is used on my side....... then sent to my room to think about "letting your sister get hurt goddammit"
BigDov said:
There was a hill right around the corner from where we grew up, that my sister and I would ride our bikes down all the time. One day we thought it would be a good plan to ride doubles on the bike...... she was the passenger the first time, and of course since I was an expert bikesman, we pulled it off without a hitch.

She decided that she'd like to pilot the blue Schwinn down the hill with me as her co-pilot, so I said sure and let her have a go. We got going and all was well..... it was when we got to the bottom that things turned out not so great.

Her friend Dana lived at the bottom of the hill and there was a gravel driveway leading to her house..... for whatever reason, Dawn decided to hit the gravel instead of the brakes. Of course, she didn't have the superior skills that I did, and we wrecked. In the gravel.

I flew off the bike and landed on my side and skidded. Since it was summer, all I was wearing was a pair of shorts and my bad-ass knee high socks with 2 blue stripes on the top. I was scraped the length of my right side, arm, chest, stomach, it pulled my shorts down a bit and scraped me close to hip, down my leg and then to my knee. If it weren't for my socks, my calf would have been beat up too. Thank god for bad fashion in the 70's.

My sister on the other hand, I don't know what the hell. She hung onto the bike like a champ and went down with it. The only place she got hurt was her elbow. But there were about 3 rocks stuck in it. She was crying and screaming like crazy, so I helped her up and we started walking back home. Of course I'm pushing Old Blue, because you know, her elbow HAD to hurt more than my whole bleeding side.

My mom and dad were sitting outside and probably heard Dawn wailing as soon as we got to the top of the hill, and they came running out to get us. My mom rushes Dawn to the emergency room......... and I get stood up in the back yard and hosed off. And yelled at. Then taken into the house where I swear to fucking god a whole bottle of rubbing alcohol is used on my side....... then sent to my room to think about "letting your sister get hurt goddammit"

:lol: thats awesome

Pics of sister?
BigDov said:
Imagine me with long hair, a smaller nose, boobs, about 4 inches shorter than me and you've got her.

sounds hot. Pics?
BigNev said:
fan definitely

I guarantee it's not what you're expecting.

Here you go. Working a maintenance job in a building, we were replacing a fan that had gone out in a building. Start carrying it after removing it. Now my brother has a tendency to be clumsy. This fan is aproximate 4 foot by 4 foot, by 1 foot.

We get it near the cart and I sucessfully put my half on the cart. Fuckmook here decides to toss his side onto the cart instead of placing it on there. So his side hits the cart and bounces a little bit only to cause the entire fan to tip over. My hand holding my side on that cart, gets caught as the fan is on it's way down. As it slams on the floor, the fan blade moves and takes out a nice chunk off of my finger. We rush to get a first aid kit to stop the bleeding. I still have that scar as well.
Coqui said:
I guarantee it's not what you're expecting.

Here you go. Working a maintenance job in a building, we were replacing a fan that had gone out in a building. Start carrying it after removing it. Now my brother has a tendency to be clumsy. This fan is aproximate 4 foot by 4 foot, by 1 foot.

We get it near the cart and I sucessfully put my half on the cart. Fuckmook here decides to toss his side onto the cart instead of placing it on there. So his side hits the cart and bounces a little bit only to cause the entire fan to tip over. My hand holding my side on that cart, gets caught as the fan is on it's way down. As it slams on the floor, the fan blade moves and takes out a nice chunk off of my finger. We rush to get a first aid kit to stop the bleeding. I still have that scar as well.

BigNev said:

Out on a camping trip and we are clearing the area to make camp (with a whole bunch of people) There's an old stove that happens to be right in the center of the campsite. We start to move the stove. Again the clutz decides to not inform me of things and his grip completely slips from the stove. So his end of the stove goes slamming down. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, however the reverberation of the stove causes my hands to slip and forces me to drop my side of the stove as well (mind you it was heavy) as my side goes down, I move my arm only to find it's stuck.

I look down and see a bent piece of metal near the top embedded in my arm. As I slide my arm carefully out, I can tell that it went into my arm a good 3/4 of an inch. Another trip to the hospitol for a tetanus shot and cleanup. I still have that scar too.
BigDov said:
We're talking about my sister here dude...... I'm no judge of her being hot or not.

pretend for a second that you're not related. Seriously, would you bang her?
Coqui said:
Out on a camping trip and we are clearing the area to make camp (with a whole bunch of people) There's an old stove that happens to be right in the center of the campsite. We start to move the stove. Again the clutz decides to not inform me of things and his grip completely slips from the stove. So his end of the stove goes slamming down. Normally that wouldn't be a problem, however the reverberation of the stove causes my hands to slip and forces me to drop my side of the stove as well (mind you it was heavy) as my side goes down, I move my arm only to find it's stuck.

I look down and see a bent piece of metal near the top embedded in my arm. As I slide my arm carefully out, I can tell that it went into my arm a good 3/4 of an inch. Another trip to the hospitol for a tetanus shot and cleanup. I still have that scar too.

you keep blaming your brother for all this. it seems to me that he is the smart one.
thrawn said:
you keep blaming your brother for all this. it seems to me that he is the smart one.

I keep blaming him because a simple warning, or an actual thought process prior to the reaction would have removed at least 15 scars off my body
Not my most painful self-inflicted injury but definitely one of the more entertaining ones.

...when I was in the 9th grade I was goofing around and stuck a really strong suction cup to my forehead. Can't remember what it was for but the thing was on there good. Anyways. It broke some capilaries or whatever and I walked around for a week and a have with a giant red circle on my forehead.

Everyday someone would come up to me and say "Jesus Christ, what happened to your face?" ...and then they'd ask me about the suction cup mark too. :(
Millions said:
Not my most painful self-inflicted injury but definitely one of the more entertaining ones.

...when I was in the 9th grade I was goofing around and stuck a really strong suction cup to my forehead. Can't remember what it was for but the thing was on there good. Anyways. It broke some capilaries or whatever and I walked around for a week and a have with a giant red circle on my forehead.

Everyday someone would come up to me and say "Jesus Christ, what happened to your face?" ...and then they'd ask me about the suction cup mark too. :(

BigNev said:

I should have drawn a red pentagram in it and hung out with the goth kids. They had some cute girls in their cliche. With bountiful, yet disturbingly pale breastesses. :D