WTF I have decided to unfollow Jesus.


Yet ANOTHER ! Beautiful Bearded Rashner
Apr 16, 2016
I went to revival tonight and it was great. I realize that I've been running from Jesus for a long time. I know this might be weird coming from me, but I've decided to dedicate my life to following Jesus.

Some of you may know that I come from a Christian background, but I have been living for myself for a very long time. It's going to be strange for me to go from who I've been to who God made me to be. Strange but awesome.

I'm not sure what this new life will have in store for me, but I'll be taking it day by day. Always striving for improvment, with a song in my heart.

I have a few recordings from tonight and a picture. If i can figure out how to post the recordings.

Sasquatch does not approve. for he is the one true deity!

but seriously,.. when does the revival end? did they hand out fans and tambourines? i use to go. for the ice water and fans,.. summers in upstate NY were brutal. after Christianity,.. i chose the Rastafarian lifestyle. for the sacrament, mostly. read the Book of Psalms,..
Sasquatch does not approve. for he is the one true deity!

but seriously,.. when does the revival end? did they hand out fans and tambourines? i use to go. for the ice water and fans,.. summers in upstate NY were brutal. after Christianity,.. i chose the Rastafarian lifestyle. for the sacrament, mostly. read the Book of Psalms,..
The revival I went to has been going on for 3 weeks with no signs of stopping any time soon.I figured I should check it out. It was planned to last a week, I think. That looks like a tent but it's not thankfully there was ac. No tambourines, but there was a pretty cool band.

Are you saying you have read the book of psalms or telling me to read it? I have always liked that one, even when I stepped away from Christianity. It's a lot different than the other books. There's lots of stuff going on in that book.

Can't say I know very much about Rastafarian stuff. Do you get a good community aspect from it?
The revival I went to has been going on for 3 weeks with no signs of stopping any time soon.I figured I should check it out. It was planned to last a week, I think. That looks like a tent but it's not thankfully there was ac. No tambourines, but there was a pretty cool band.

Are you saying you have read the book of psalms or telling me to read it? I have always liked that one, even when I stepped away from Christianity. It's a lot different than the other books. There's lots of stuff going on in that book.

Can't say I know very much about Rastafarian stuff. Do you get a good community aspect from it?

i meant to say i read and skimmed through quite a few chapters of Psalms. the Rasta community draws a lot of verses from them. i need a refresher since i was about your age when i took my journey. the Emperor Haile Salassi I was descended from the King David bloodline,.. or was it King Solomon?
i better stop there, but the correlations, past & present, were very interesting!
i meant to say i read and skimmed through quite a few chapters of Psalms. the Rasta community draws a lot of verses from them. i need a refresher since i was about your age when i took my journey. the Emperor Haile Salassi I was descended from the King David bloodline,.. or was it King Solomon?
i better stop there, but the correlations, past & present, were very interesting!
And Mt Zion is in Ethiopia. I've read some Rastafar. I an I Mon.
  • Gravy
Reactions: pacojas
hey man, believe whatever you believe, but be careful of getting swept up in the moment at an event like that. you don't need religion to be a good person, and having religion also doesn't make you good or bad either way, that power still lies with you. be a good person, do good shit.
i meant to say i read and skimmed through quite a few chapters of Psalms. the Rasta community draws a lot of verses from them. i need a refresher since i was about your age when i took my journey. the Emperor Haile Salassi I was descended from the King David bloodline,.. or was it King Solomon?
i better stop there, but the correlations, past & present, were very interesting!

Same bloodline, Solomon is Davids son.
  • Gravy
Reactions: pacojas and nukes
I'm not religious myself, but I have friends that are. a lot of them have struggled with The Church™ but still have faith, they just kind of do it on their own terms.
hey man, believe whatever you believe, but be careful of getting swept up in the moment at an event like that. you don't need religion to be a good person, and having religion also doesn't make you good or bad either way, that power still lies with you. be a good person, do good shit.
I get what you're saying. My decision wasn't based on emotional stimulation. I have had the experience that you are describing in the past. But even if it was I don't think it's bad for people to get swept up. People get swept up by worse things than emotion.

Don't worry August I won't turn into one of those judgey McJudger pants. I've experienced more than my share of bad religion in my life and I have no desire to use it as a means to belittle people who do not share my views.
I get what you're saying. My decision wasn't based on emotional stimulation. I have had the experience that you are describing in the past. But even if it was I don't think it's bad for people to get swept up. People get swept up by worse things than emotion.

Don't worry August I won't turn into one of those judgey McJudger pants. I've experienced more than my share of bad religion in my life and I have no desire to use it as a means to belittle people who do not share my views.
some churches are great! they do charity and provide mutual aid and take care of their communities, the whole community, not just the congregation. that's what's up.

the church I "left" didn't suck as far as churches go, I just felt like in was inappropriate for me to be an acolyte as a nonbeliever. I went through the edgy atheist phase a lot of folks do, but I'm at a point where I an wary of the institution but can be appreciative and acknowledge the good individuals and individual churches can do (while still being wary of the harm)

is there a particular denomination that calls to you, and if so, what I'd it about it that appeals to you above others? you don't have to answer if it'd make you uncomfortable, and I'm asking out of curiosity, not condemnation or to try to talk you out of it (I'm awful at conveying tone via text so I'm trying to be better about predicting where my tone might be misread)
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When Jesus comes to you (by that I mean you become aware of Him, He was and is always there) youre going to be swept away, its like falling in love x10000. But youre swept away in good ways. You are overwhelmingly humbled and have an incredicle sense of clarity about yourself.