Halp I guess fly is on something

You know, I wish someone made a dress shirt or polo shirt with an airbrushed wolf on it. I could wear it and assert my alphaness around the office.

what if there was one with three wolves... what then


smh geezus that was 11 years ago.

Added to my collection of Aprils.

One of the things that is fucking with me is that just a couple hours before they dropped this on me one of coworkers was talking about the position. She had applied and been denied. I was saying I would never want to do it. Now they are offering me the job I showed complete disinterest for.
One of the things that is fucking with me is that just a couple hours before they dropped this on me one of coworkers was talking about the position. She had applied and been denied. I was saying I would never want to do it. Now they are offering me the job I showed complete disinterest for.

Soooo it's Friday. What are you going to do?
And we'd been discussing how lazy we'd gotten. Surprisingly I am kinda leaning to it, but I have some questions to ask them first.
Now I'm curious, what kind of questions?

It's good timing if its more money as you'll be moving soon.