I am SOOOO Computer Savvy......

why_ask_why said:
yes, but there is no pinching and rolling involved...I just scratch the bastards :fly:

Every man I have ever discussed this with (until now) has used the pinch and roll technique.....wtf is wrong with you.

edit: wtf is wrong with ALL of you. Maybe it's only Florida balls. I can feel you all laughing at me. Go fuck a duck. :fly:
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Bubbles said:
Every man I have ever discussed this with (until now) has used the pinch and roll technique.....wtf is wrong with you.

mah dear, you are hanging out with some weird people :heart:

even fly gave that a wtf :fly:
Candy said:
That sounds like an easy solution - bet it's pricy? The Driver's License site uses a similar technology I think. Worked well for me when I was looking something up last time...

Well, that's the rub, isn't it? Products that do this are usually sold as Document Management Systems (DMS) and I have no idea what the price would be. Most likely the price would vary tremendously with the size of the business, type and number of licenses purchased, etc.


Someone who was good with access and some reasonably simple language for creating a frontend, say visual basic, might be able to bodge one together. I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that that's a little beyond your tech guy's abilities, though.